If you have a dispute with the IRS, it may make it all the way up to the US Tax Court. This is the court where you as the taxpayer file a lawsuit against the IRS saying that what the IRS claimed in its audit was incorrect and that your claims are valid. The US Tax Court is unlike most courts in that it doesn’t determine guilt or innocence, but simply resolves a disagreement between the IRS and a taxpayer. Learning more about this court can help you prepare for whatever comes your way.
No Jury – Judges Only
One thing that is important to know about US Tax Court is that you’ll only ever be working with a judge. There is no jury trial option in this area of law. The Tax Court judges are all very experienced with tax law, which means it is critical that you have a strong legal and factual case prepared. If your case is strong on both the law and the facts, the judge will hopefully see that you are right and rule in your favor. If your case is weak, however, he or she will see this too and you will lose.
Evidence Is Critical
Whenever dealing with taxes, documentation is one of the most important resources. Keep receipts, documenting how business purchases are used, and anything else that can prove your case. When in court, you will need to be able to show the judge that what you claim is actually true. If you can’t build your case based on evidence, it will be much more difficult to win.
These Cases Take Time
After you have presented your evidence to the court and both the IRS and your legal team have made their case, the trial is over. Unlike most other types of legal cases where you are given a verdict almost immediately, the tax court will take long longer to issue its ruling. In larger cases, it can take several years before a ruling is finally handed down. For smaller cases, that amount of time will be significantly shorter, but still could be several months or even a year or longer.
We Represent Your Interests
When you are told you need to appear before the US Tax Courts, you will want to make sure you have an experienced tax law attorney working for you. Our team has helped many people with a wide range of different tax issues, including fighting in tax courts. Contact us to schedule a consultation where we can review the details of your case and help you make an effective plan of action that can help you win your case.