A serious defense

for serious cases.

Tax Resolution and Criminal Defense Attorneys


When it comes to taxes and IRS issues, we understand the stress that you’re under. If you’re in the middle of a tax dispute or are facing other financial or criminal challenges, we’re here to help.

We’re Weisberg Kainen Mark, PL, and we’re committed to helping people just like you in South Florida and the rest of the country find swift and effective solutions for their tax law and criminal defense needs.

We’re passionate about protecting our clients from excessive fees, penalties, and the stress and worry that comes along with IRS and criminal matters.

No matter how serious the challenges you are facing, you can depend on Weisberg Kainen Mark, PL to defend your rights and minimize any negative fallout. Experienced, knowledgeable representation may have a tremendous impact on the outcome of your case.

Contact us for a consultation regarding your case today! Se habla Español.



Seven Steps to Resolve Your IRS Tax Dispute Before It Spirals Out of Control



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When the IRS Comes Knocking, written by Partner Dennis Kainen



If you are reading this, you have found the firm that actually cares about their clients. Taking time to listen, discussing the options and treating you like a human being, who has feelings, a family and is innocent until proven otherwise. The late nights, the long talks and knowing that Dennis was giving his heart and soul into defending me, truly separated Dennis from my co-defendant’s counsel. Over the years of trial prep, trial, appeals, which we won, not once did Dennis ever waiver in his commitment to seeking justice. Today, Dennis is not only my attorney; he is most importantly my friend.
A few years ago, as a US citizen returning to the US after over 40 years living and working abroad, I decided to regularize my overseas investment income and accounts with the IRS and the Treasury. I retained Alan to help me navigate the regularization process under the then Voluntary Disclosure Program. He handled the matter very expeditiously and was able to arrange for me to settle with both agencies at an acceptable cost in back taxes, interest and penalties. I’m happy to recommend him and his undoubted expertise in handling such cases.  
After a 2005 divorce, I fell into tax collection problems that dragged on from 2007 to 2012, and by that time, and  despite having sought the rather expensive counsel of four tax attorneys, four CPAs and two financial advisors, the problem became increasingly insoluble. I will admit that in 2010, a close friend had suggested that I speak with Alan Weisberg and Brielle Mark at Weisberg Kainen Mark PL, but I balked, figuring tax law is tax law, and surely the tax  experts in my home town were as informed and as knowledgeable as those good people down in Miami. Well, I learned I was expressly wrong about that, but not before two years had gone by, and I was utterly desperate, because by then, my bank accounts had been frozen and the IRS had begun garnishing my wages. So, finally I did call the folks at Weisberg Kainen Mark PL, and in them I found, firstly, people who are compassionate, non-judgmental, calm and articulate. They are uncommonly knowledgeable in even the finest, most obscure aspects of tax law, and solved my troubles in an astonishingly timely and satisfying way. Their staff, I’m sure, would be the envy of every law office in the nation. Given the speed and thoroughness of their work, it’s almost an u… Read more
I retained Alan’s and Brielle’s services to defend alleged US tax evasion related to foreign bank accounts not declared to the IRS. From the very first discussion, it was clear to be talking with top-notch professionals having a clear-cut strategy backed by long-standing experience in both US and international tax laws. After a lengthy process, they were successful and the IRS eventually reversed a large penalty. Since then I call them my dream team!
This is to tell you how satisfied I am with the manner you handled my “Off-Shore Voluntary Disclosure” matter. You and your office were always helpful and constructive. Because of your guidance, I was able to explain my case to the IRS with clarity. As a result, they reduced my penalty to a minimum. Thanks again for all your professional help.
I want to take one more opportunity to thank you for the extraordinary representation you made for the Estate. I was so impressed by your rigor and passion-together. Your argument alone was compelling but you offered it with such force and conviction, too. And I think you got it just right!
Eight years ago my company and I underwent an extensive IRS audit that encompassed my business, personal, employees and family’s lives during this time. I entrusted Dennis Kainen and Alan Weisberg to defend everyone involved.  This entailed enlisting additional legal help for my employees along with Ron Wise and Doug Haas to handle investigative work. I stepped back and let them use their expertise and background to a successful conclusion. Thank you again for all of your hard work.
I had four years of IRS filings that did not reflect my total income. My situation was addressed by Alan, his staff and his outside auditors/accountants. We had extensive conversations prior to any documentation being sent to the IRS. Responses from the IRS were timely and in agreement with Allen’s submissions. Alan and his staff were highly professional during the process. Without reservation, I would and have recommended Weisberg Kainen Mark, PL to deal with IRS problems!

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